The 21st SICE Kyushu Chapter Annual Conference Abstract [101B]

Last update: Fri Mar 28 21:23:56 2003

An Augmented Automatic Choosing Control Using the Observer for Nonlinear Systems with Linear Measurement
Hitoshi Takata, Tatsurou Tanaka, Tomohiro Hachino (Kagoshima University)
Masashi Sakamoto (Sakamoto survey
In this paper we present an augmented automatic choosing control (AACC) for nonlinear systems with linear measurement. Its design procedure is as follows. Assume that a system is given by a nonlinear differential equation whose output is linear. Choose a separative vector function, which makes up nonlinearity of the given system. The domain of this separative function is divided into some subdomains. On each subdomain, the system equation is linearlized by Taylor expansion around a suitable point so that a constant term is included in it. This constant term is treated as a coefficient of a stable zero dynamics. The given nonlinear system approximately makes up a set of augmented linear systems, to which the optimal linear observer and control theories are applicable. The resulting linear observers and controls are smoothly united by sigmoid type automatic choosing functions to synthesize a single nonlinear feedback controller with a nonlinear oberver. Numerial simulation shows that the real stable region by the AACC is be expanded wider than those of the ordinary methods.

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