The 21st SICE Kyushu Chapter Annual Conference Abstract [101B]

Last update: Fri Mar 28 21:23:56 2003

Model Output Tracking Control System Design for Multirate Systems by Using CGT
Takeshi Iwasaka, Ikuro Mizumoto, Zenta Iwai (Kumamoto University)
The system that has different sampling period between input and output is called multirate system. Since there are several systems that should be represented by multirate form in practical controlled systems, especially in process systems, recently a great deal of attention has been attracted to the control of multirate system.
In this paper, a design problem of model output tracking control system for multirate systems with fast-rate sampling period of the input and slow-rate sampling period of the output will be dealt with. The proposed method attains the output tracking by using CGT(Command Generator Tracker) input of fast-rate and ensures the stability by the output feedback of slow-rate with PFC(Parallel Feedforward Compensator). It is also shown that the resulting control system ensure the perfect output tracking for real output of the controlled system in spite of the addition of the PFC which is introduced for guaranteeing the stability of the control system.

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