The 21st SICE Kyushu Chapter Annual Conference Abstract [102D]

Last update: Fri Mar 28 21:23:56 2003

Automatic EEG Interpretation System Including Judgement of Reaction for Photic Stimulation and Hyperventilation
Takenao SUGI, Masatoshi NAKAMURA, Satoshi OHTA (Saga University)
Akio IKEDA, Hiroshi SHIBASAKI (Kyoto University)
Interpretation of awake electroencephalogram (EEG) gives a fundamental
and a significant information for human brain activities in the clinical
diagnosis. The system for automatic interpretation of both background EEG
and spikes as paroxysmal abnormalities has been constructed in the past
and is already utilized in a clinical diagnosis as an assistant tool.
Actvation test as photic stimulation and hyperventilation is usually
included in EEG recordings, and the reaction of EEG on such test gives
an additional information of brain function.
In this study, automatic judgement of activation test for photic stimulation
and hyperventilation, which was newly developed, was combined with
automatic intergrative EEG interpretation system.

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