The 21st SICE Kyushu Chapter Annual Conference Abstract [103B]

Last update: Fri Mar 28 21:23:56 2003

A Study on Tandem Type Twin Linear Stage with a Machine Stand Vibration
Yasunori Matsuoka (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Hideki Honda, Ryuichi Oguro (Yaskawa Electric Co.)
Jun Kobayashi, Fujio Ohkawa (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
In this paper, we propose a vibration and position control of a tandem type twin linear stage with two movable tables. In manufacturing systems and inspection equipment, high-speed and highly precise positioning is required. For example, movement of a tip mounter is required rapid and accurate positioning for high productivity. Then, it becomes very important to design a control system, which makes rapid and precise response. On the twin linear stage, high-speed movement of two tables causes a machine stand vibration. The vibration phenomenon is much more complex compare with one table case. Namely an anti-power over a base of the thrust, which one of two tables generates, will become disturbance for the other table. To design an accurate control system for twin linear stage with a machine stand vibration, it is as the basic stage, this paper analyzes control performances of PID and LQ control systems by computer simulations and experiments.

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