The 21st SICE Kyushu Chapter Annual Conference Abstract [202B]

Last update: Fri Mar 28 21:23:56 2003

A coaxial-type capacitance sensor with three electrodes for gasoline meter of car
Φµ®±É, ¿®ÂÀ¹îµ¬ (º´²ìÂç³Ø)
In this paper, a practical sensing approach is presented to monitor the volume of gasoline in fuel tank of a car. Here in this research we have developed a new structure sensor with three electrodes. When the car is located on inclination, by detecting the change in capacitance of between every two electrodes, it is still possible to determine the true volume of gasoline. In this process, a multidimensional regression equation is obtained and used. The result of this research proves that the designed sensor can be used to measure the volume of gasoline in the fuel tank of the car.
At preset, a called float type sensor is using for detecting the volume of gasoline, of which principle is to estimate the volume of gasoline by detecting the change of gasoline level. When the car is located on inclined road, the level of detected point is different than that on flat road, and the indicated volume of gasoline is not true.
Considering the above background, we propose this new structure sensor. Actually the three capacitances values include the information of the volume of gasoline and the status of car (on inclined road or flat road), therefore, through analyzing experiment data by multidimensional regression analysis method, we can obtain true value of gasoline volume unrelated to the inclination.

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