The 21st SICE Kyushu Chapter Annual Conference Abstract [202B]

Last update: Fri Mar 28 21:23:56 2003

The effect of shot peening to the shaft on the performance of magnetic head type torque sensors
Yohei Habata, Masahiro Shiokawa, Ichiro Sasada (Kyushu University)
We report the effect of shot peening to the shaft in magnetic head type torque sensors. Three kinds of steel shafts for the torque sensor, which are as ground, subjected to induction heating hardening and further treated by shot peening, are evaluated in terms of sensitivity and hysteresis. The excitation coil in the magnetic head type pick up is 10 turns, and the detection coil is 20 turns. The head of torque sensor is mounted on a shaft under test with 0.1mm lift off. Shafts were twisted by applying torque up to 100Nm. The output was recorded using a lock in amplifier. The synchronous phase angle for the lock in amplifier was set up so that the sensitivity in each operating frequency might become a maximum. The range of the excitation frequency was from 20kHz to 100kHz. The sensitivity of torque sensor was increased by increasing the excitation frequency up to 60kHz after that it started to saturate for all the shafts. Hence, we thought that 60kHz was the most suitable for the excitation frequency. Finally we found that the shaft treated by shot peening has the lowest hysteresis and highest sensitivity.

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