The 21st SICE Kyushu Chapter Annual Conference Abstract [203C]

Last update: Fri Mar 28 21:23:56 2003

Strategy construction in the robot soccer system
Toshiro Kiyomatu, Masayoshi Hara, Masanori Sugisaka (Oita Univ.)
In this paper, we present strategy construction in the robot soccer system. It can be compared simply and clearly merit of a performance in this soccer robot system. However, we do not understand whether only the performance of a robot or the performance of whole team is excellent. It is difficult to compare the good or not of operations as an overall team. And the decision of the cooperativeness that robots cooperate mutually and they get a score also has a difficult thing. Then, if the robots are in the good position, that can be action efficiently. So, that is a team good as a result. And we think that it is easy for robots to do a path etc.
At first, we are determined the position in a robot's field from the simulation using GA. From the result obtained in the simulation, it experiments with the real system and examines the effectiveness of this approach.

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